About me

I am a 41-year-old female living in Los Angeles, CA.

In 2004, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at the age of 34.

At the time I had full coverage health insurance through COBRA as I had recently become happily self-employed. I was fortunate in having this insurance (BC/BS of CA) during the entire course of diagnosis/treatment and follow-ups.

In 2006, I was abruptly dropped (my former employer had changed plans) and subsequently found myself unable to obtain insurance from any carrier anywhere in the US. I have been essentially "naked" since 2006, paying for what I can out of pocket and going to any free clinics that I can find. I went to a Remote Area Medical free clinic here in LA in May 2010 and even became a guinea pig for a pharmaceutical company in 2008/2009 just to get a modicum of care.

My greatest hope is that America will eventually have Universal Health Care for All. We are the only industrialized nation on Earth that does not care for the sickest and weakest among us. If you are sick and don't have the money and don't qualify for state or Federal programs, like myself, then you are shit out of luck.

Since losing my insurance I have been subjected to a lot of ill-treatment from health care professionals and just a tiny fraction have been sympathetic. The lack of compassion I have met on this journey is truly shocking. Sometimes I find it hard to believe I am in America sometimes.

This blog is my small way of trying to document my struggle and hopefully get the word out that the system, as it stands now, is only meant for the insured and wealthy among us.

"Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane." - Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday, June 18, 2009



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"Single-payer is the health system that works for every other industrialized nation on earth."
By Sylvia Hampton
Supporters of real health care reform want a national expansion of the popular Medicare single payer program now covering every American over age 65. But they are being told that it is just not “politically feasible.” When one asks “Why?” there is double talk and a run-around. The facts are clear. Oxen will be gored--and the industry and some in Congress are circling the wagons to protect their own self interests. We have some blatant conflicts of interest here that would make an eight-year-old blush: Congress members who have stock holdings in the industry and get large campaign contributions from insurers. Imagine that.
The insurance industry competes by selling large group insurance to businesses employing young healthy people. Ca-ching! They get those contracts by promising low cost to the employer, so the employee “contribution” becomes a pay deduction. Then if an employee gets sick or in an accident, his co-pays can become so large as to cause him to go bankrupt. But hey---no skin off the insurance company’s nose! Ca-ching.
If the sickness or injury is bad enough to lose your job they don’t have to mess with you anymore. They just drop you if you live long enough (after they do everything in their power to deny the claims.) After all, they have stockholders to think about---they must, by law, make a profit. Ca-ching. And because the drug companies don’t want to have to negotiate with the big bad government on prices, they stick with the captains of this industry like two peas in a private money pot. That’s what makes health insurance hooked to employment so darn great--for insurers. The result is that they have so much money they can scare the pants off everyone in government. They will run an ad campaign so slick a good guy will look like Satan when they are done.
Who gets the money for all those campaigns to sell insurance, sell drugs, sell the negative campaign ads? The Media. Ca-ching. So don’t ask them to help you gore that ox. That money talks---big time.
Single-payer is the health system that works for every other industrialized nation on Earth. Single-payer results in health statistics better than ours, costs the people far less than ours, and at the same time covers everyone in their country. But it was not given consideration in Congress and is deemed an evil communist plot by 30% of our population. The other 70% have caught on after hard knocks in our system and now support single payer/Medicare for all. But that is not even what the president is asking for; he just wants a “public option” in addition to the private plans.
But no, the industry says that is not fair. Why? Too many employers and workers will grab it in a heartbeat. Why? Better, cheaper, faster, nicer and more complete---like what all of us over 65 have and love: Medicare. The modern robber barons are throwing so much money and weight around Washington D.C. right now that you ordinary people out here in the real world don’t have a chance.
There is only one way you young ‘uns will get what I have--and that is to take to the streets and demand it. Call your congressman, demonstrate in the street by his office, call the talk shows, and scream bloody murder. Because murder is what is happening to you right now. They are killing you. But as long as insurers, drug companies and legislators make a profit and you don’t pay attention, their life goes on.
Sylvia Hampton is the past director of Health Care for All CA and a current board member of San Diegans for Health Care Coverage.
The views expressed in this editorial reflect the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of East County Magazine. If you wish to submit an editorial for consideration, contact editor@eastcountymagazine.org.

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